Photo & cover art by Anne Julie Andersen
Marí (Danish songwriter Linda Marí Josefsen) – under this enigmatic name you can find an artist, whose music is just like Northern Denmark (her homeland) can be – sort of gloomy, cold and distant, yet also incredibly seducing, magical and intimate. Marí’s debut EP “Halcyon Days” (recorded along with Andreas Westmark from Get Your Gun) was released this year by Empty Tape and it sucked us right into her universe.
While listening to Marí‘s EP for the first time, I feel almost ashamed of hearing it. It was like entering her mind in the most vulnerable moment, right before falling asleep, when she is having a very intimate conversation with herself. And I was there, hearing every word, feeling every tremble of doubt and hope. Marí opened the door to the deepest parts of her soul on the EP, it feels like. She did it with grace and humility, leaving nothing unseen or unheard. After the initial shock of this honesty and rough openness, listening to Marí became like a quiet time with my best friend. We are next to each other and, without saying much, we say everything.
“Halcyon Days” EP delivers five very diverse, yet consistent songs. From darker and heavier beginning – “Follow” and “Cold Water”, through a lullaby-like “Aj”, to the more vivid and hopeful title track, and a heartbreaking finish – “Keep My Light On”, Marí leads the listener through the world of guitar and piano melodies, with a touch of folk vibe here and there, and guides each composition with her slightly rugged, deep, hypnotizing voice.
Marí’s debut EP is clean and minimalistic. It feels as if we enter into a house which is half-empty, the old inhabitants haven’t moved all their things out yet and the new ones’ stuff won’t arrive anytime soon. The cold wind goes through empty rooms and dances freely on the windowsills, and there is room for… silence. That’s how melodies on “Halcyon Days” sound to me. Marí finds room for both sound and silence in the music, and it is a remarkable combination.
The songs on the EP also direct your thoughts towards nature, make you look more carefully at the world around you. “Halcyon Days” creates space for quiet meditation. If you – like me – sometimes have trouble with stopping, taking a deep breath and gaining perspective, this EP can be your guide and help in getting into the right mood.
I listen to Marí with huge gratitude for artists who are able to deliver a powerful and needed message in a quiet way.