There are many talented people in Denmark making music – as you can see if you follow Good because Danish. One of them is definitely Matthew Bay. This wonderful artist had his debut album “Santa Barbara” released this year and if you like pop tunes with a soul as well as dancing potential – it’s a record for you!
Ten compositions on “Santa Barbara” create a really cool mix of danceable melodies and slower ballads. You can feel the joy of being young in them, as well as all the struggles of it. But most of all – you can feel that in the end – life is an amazing thing for which we should be grateful for.
Matthew Bay has a cool, somewhat groovy style and his songs are really his – you can hear that he is honest in them, doesn’t pretend to be someone he is not. We believe that it’s one of the best qualities you can find in an artist.
Matthew Bay spent some time in the US. writing the songs for his debut. He also has an interesting dancing background and is a very sweet and open person agreeing to take us into his life a little bit with a photo interview we made with him some time ago.
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