Summer is a magical time – a time when one finally has more time to sit down and listen through all the amazing releases of the past months. In our SUMMER CATCH-UP series we will look back and share some posts about releases that we really wanted to write about earlier, but… life got in the way :) Now it’s summer, holiday time and we can finally get to do it right!
ALEX VARGAS – “Giving Up The Ghost”
This year is so far really good “Danish-wise” for those of us who enjoy pop music and who are fascinated by discovering how many different faces and different meanings the description “pop music” can have.
Alex Vargas presents one of the faces of pop (or more than one, but let’s say – one of many possible approaches to the genre) with his debut release “Giving Up The Ghost” that came out in January 2016.
We start the adventure with his release which the title track which was also a really successful single. And what do we hear? We hear that Alex Vargas has a British soul when it comes to pop music. A catchy melody closed into an epic frame of beats and vocals – the song really gets to the listener and stays for long. If you’re looking for a musical brand mark, Vargas has one in form of “Giving Up The Ghost”.
It makes it even more surprising to listen to the next songs on the release. After such an epic and in a good way overwhelming start, the Danish newcomer goes in a completely different direction. Yet, somehow, he manages to keep the “brand” alive in the more calm, more melancholic compositions “Solid Ground” and “Shackled Up”.
From its title, the following “Oh Love, How You Break Me Up” should also be melancholic, but in the end of the release, the music comes back to the catchy melody of “Giving Up The Ghost”. And when you start thinking “yeah, he’s more party animal than melancholic thinker”… “Ashes” shows up on the horizon, closing the whole debut release with style, packed with emotions and giving things to think about.
That’s Alex Vargas’ debut EP “Giving Up The Ghost” in a brief summary. But the release is so much more than just 6 tracks! And in each of them you can find new elements after every new listen.
The biggest question Vargas leaves us with for now is: will he become one of those pop artists with one or two major hits and nothing more or (OR!) is he on his way to become a truly established musician, setting up his place among the best from the best in the pop music world? Time will tell…
In the meantime you can enjoy the EP “Giving Up The Ghost” – stream it on Spotify.