Oh, how time flies! Good because Danish is already 5 years old – can you imagine?! :)
From a little, one-person blog started in Poland to a growing, international group project. From a passion sparked by one song to a journey with different artists, genres and styles. From the simple idea to spread the word about Danish music to the organisation of showcases, collaborations with amazing people and being involved in the Danish music scene. Most of all – from having fun writing about great music to… having fun writing about great music!
The past 5 years have been a true adventure for Good because Danish. It is a real roller-coaster being part of a constantly developing idea, which is always on the move. But one thing hasn’t changed – and never will: the passion behind Good because Danish, the friendships made thanks it and the fun of doing it!
F-i-v-e years… we still can’t believe it’s been so long already. We hope for five more to come. And then for five more… and then five more… :) As long as there will be good (because Danish) music to write about – and we have no doubt that will keep on forever!
High five to us – and high five to YOU!
THANK YOU to all of you for being with us, reading the blog, following us on social media, joining our showcases, spreading the word about GbD. You ROCK and we can’t be grateful enough for having such a lovely base of supporters!
Today we celebrate in all countries where our authors are based in – Hungary, Poland, Germany, Australia, Sweden and – of course – in Denmark. We send our high fives to all of you, along with some lovely Danish artists who joined in on showing their love to Good because Danish. Check out the beautiful gallery (and the awesome video by October Dance) below!
We all wish that the next years will be as full of great music, fun, adventure, challenges, good people and creativeness, as the past 5 years were! And what do you wish to us? Let us know here in the comments, via mail or on social media by using our hashtag #goodbecausedanish – we would also love to expand the gallery with your high fives! :)