Spring – the time of feeling in love. I have no idea did mammuts fell in love when they were living on Earth. But I know I fell in love with one particular mammut. Who’s in love. And his (or her) voice and shapes have nothing to do with mammuts at all. MAMMUT IS IN LOVE. Linda Christine in a very interesting music project.
Where does this specific Danish delicacy and tenderness for the sounds comes from? I also don’t know. When I discovered Mammut Is In Love, I realised that I also have no idea about Danish music in general. About its creation, its atmosphere, its singularity. I have no idea about it. Because it’s super-hard to understand something so “Danish” when you’re not a Dane.
But enough of this quazi-philosophical thoughts. Let’s get back to music. Mammut Is In Love – the name makes you think of heavy sounds, massive mammut notes… You can’t be more wrong about it! If you like light, shiny songs that float from the beginning to the end – Mammut Is In Love will be perfect for you.
Her album “Adventures Part One” is a combination of a vocal took from a church choir (and it’s not a mockery, it’s a compliment) with a little folk, a little pop music. Alternative female playing.
“Why So Sad?” invite you to the world of Mammut Is In Love adventures. It’s the world of freely expressed emotions, the world of idyllic Spring visions.
“Magical Song” – there’s a little bit of magic in it, that’s a fact.
“Tremblin” can really make you tremble. And feel the drops of Spring rain on you skin. You can also fell asleep while listening to this song, because it’s a sweet lullaby.
If the adventures of Mammut Is In Love will have a second part? I also don’t know (as you might see in this post, I don’t know too much… :) ). But I hope so. Because the first part is interesting.