In a perfect world every person would be at their most “hyggelig” during Christmas for it’s meant to be the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and once its weight starts bringing you down, it can be difficult to join in on the fun and festivities.
If you happen to be immune to the holiday spirit, worry not! As you may have noticed in our carefully hand-picked musical Advent Calendar, we believe that not every song on the subject must be an upbeat tune with romantic overtones.
Christmas can feel lonely and isolating too. And that’s okay. That’s why sad Christmas songs are very important and special. One of those is a surprise release from Girls’ Night Out.
“Rain Is Slow” is a melancholic track that explores themes of isolation with a remarkable precision:
“We dance around in circles, twirl around the room tournament style, but I’m a stonesthow away from everyone I love.”
Girls’ Night Out is a project of Terkel Røjle, who also plays the guitar in Virgin Suicide. Though this name is fairly new, it seems like we’ll be hearing a lot from Girls’ Night Out in the coming year, or at least we certainly hope to.
“Rain Is Slow” is available below and it’s free to download. So hey, if you’re not exactly a fan of Christmas, we hope that perhaps you can be a fan of this song and still manage to have a lovely time.