A spark of excitement went through my spine when I heard the first beat and verse of @rangleklods‘ newest single “Alien”. His unique, raw, brutally honest take on electronic music and lyric writing shines through in the song. There is something hauntingly sexy and luring, disturbing and dangerous in “Alien”.
The way Rangleklods plays with adding and hiding layers of sounds, changing volume, and hitting the pause button in the most unexpected moments, is truly intoxicating.
There is no way, you play “Alien” just once and then go to another song. If it gets you, it won’t let go anytime soon.
I sometimes feel like a freak or a lone wolf, because of my fondness of techno music or heavier electronic tunes. When I listen to Rangleklods, I feel I’m not alone. There are more aliens like me on this planet. I’m sure we are all waiting impatiently for Rangleklods’ upcoming album.