In 2023, @mariefjeldsted said goodbye to her musical moniker Penny Police and started releasing songs under her own name. Her new single, “Love As Much As Fast As You Can,” is a beautiful piece where Marie opens up about her inner thoughts and emotions in a graceful, honest way.
“I sometimes struggle with being an introvert while at the same time I just want to go out and embrace the world. This song is basically a reminder to go out more. It doesn’t have to be a major thing, it doesn’t have to be extraordinary or crazy, it is just as much a reminder to embrace yourself, your loved ones, and dear friends,” says Marie about the single.
The lyrics of “Love As Much As Fast As You Can” emerge from a warm embrace of soft indie pop melody—simple and graceful at the same time. This single is a tiny musical universe of Marie Fjeldsted, captured in a few minutes of music. Musically, the arrangement is delicate, perfectly complementing the lyrics. Lyrically, it shows that Marie, under her own name, is even more open, honest, and vulnerable with her listeners. She exposes her doubts and inner thoughts in a way that makes us feel seen and understood.
Dive into “Love As Much As Fast As You Can,” join Marie in her reflections, and embrace the way she encourages us all (including herself) in the song.