photo by HÅKAN Media

Storming forward with their second EP “Egghead“, Aarhus-based alternative rock band Purple Painted Statues have truly come out shining. A combination of heavy, hypnotic riffs from Mathias Spartali on guitar, stalking bass lines of Mikael Krog, hard-hitting drums from Marc Jesse and brooding vocals by Martin Krog feels like this is a band that has found its style and is embracing it with every inch of its being.

When I first heard this EP, I was instantly teleported in my mind back to long summer afternoons, relaxing in the park near the river with friends, listening to music just like this. I was so impressed when I found out that “Egghead” was only the band’s second EP. This is incredible music that could easily feature alongside other alternative rock or grunge greats like Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Nirvana, Pearl Jam and others from the 90s or early 2000s scene.

“Egghead” shows off a rounded variety of styles alongside memorable guitar work, propulsive rhythms and vocals that truly add to the listening experience. Kicking off with the sludgy, driving sound of “By the Spinning Wheel” through to the slower finale “The Curve”, this EP shows the flair and range that Purple Painted Statues can muster.

The songs are catchy yet somewhat dark in nature — I have had various drum rhythms and guitar segments of the opener “By the Spinning Wheel” playing in my head for a good while now. The structure of each track fits together well and feels like a journey from start to end, travelling through riffs, rhythms and vocals. The intro and attitude of “Floored by the Grind” feels like prowling with the combination of instruments. The chugging guitar and sombre vocals add to this feeling as the song progresses.

My favourite is “By the Spinning Wheel”. As a drummer, I love how the drums play around alongside the guitar to deliver an immersive, enveloping experience. The vocals are just the cherry on top, starting and pausing at the perfect moments, allowing the disjointed rhythms and riffs to shine through. I feel as though the final song “The Curve” doesn’t show off the band’s true potential to the fullest, but exploring the genre is what music is all about.

All in all, “Egghead” is an EP that delivers. It seems like Purple Painted Statues have found their style and their place within their genre. Each song complements the other and showcases the band’s strengths through the structure and anatomy of each performance. I am excited to see where they go, and I am looking forward to hearing the band’s full-length album, whenever it may come.

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