The brilliant electronic duo Kenton Slash Demon presents: a perfect double single to avoid autumn sadness, run away from the frustration and feel the delicate breeze of summer still floating in the air. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to “Harpe/Syko”!
“Harpe” sounds like as if a thousand little bees made their dance in the air around you and none of them was about to bite you. They just fly around, creating a joyful buzzing. “Syko” reminds me of the lovely summer days, spent at the lake with friends. The song has the atmosphere of hanging out in the summer, enjoying a good company and good weather.
In both new compositions from Kenton Slash Demon there’s a delicate touch of… air. The songs are incredibly breezy, there is a lot of space in them, so each sound can be truly heard. I guess that’s why this kind of electronic music isn’t overpowering. Just free, joyful and relaxing.
Listen to Kenton Slash Demon’s double single “Harpe/Syko” on SoundCloud and don’t forget to watch the video clip to “Harpe” on YouTube.