Sometimes there are just too many great songs popping up in our Good because Danish inbox. We simply can’t cover it all!* Therefore, we came up with a new post series for the blog which makes it easier for us to share even more great Danish music gems!
Every now and then, we will be posting a small selection of these gems – including a short, crisp description and some info to the selected artists and songs. So, THIS JUST IN:
The Chairman – “The Flowers”
With his newest single “The Flowers”, we can call Lucas Berner – a.k.a. The Chairman – an electronic version of Jacob Bellens (I Got You On Tape, Murder). His deep amazing voice, combined with a mix of classic and modern instruments create a song that will bring tears to your eyes, energy to your legs and things to think of to your head.
“The songs navigate in imperceptible borderlands and draw associations to both hiphop, with danceable rhythm, electronica with manipulated vocals and lastly indierock in the symbiosis of drums, bass and guitars.”
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The Radar Post – “The Radar Post”
Esben Svane’s full-length debut album under the name The Radar Post is like listening to The Tallest Man On Earth meeting Boombay Bicycle Club for a beer somewhere in Scandinavia. Add really thoughtful, personal lyrics to it and you’ll get a singer-songwriter piece that is really close to be called a masterpiece. Warning! It contains a dose of a bitter-sweet melancholy that only Scandinavian musicians can provide.
“The eponymous debut is a personal account of the drunken consequences of fame as drummer with Danish pop-rock outfit A Friend In London and the struggle to kick the booze and find his pre-fame self – which I guess is safe to assume was an altogether more pleasant self to be – set to an elegantly elaborate backdrop of folk ‘n indierock.” All Scandinavian
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Robeat Boys – “Robeat Boys” (EP)
It’s spring, you can’t deny it. And just like spring time every year – this one needs a good soundtrack, too! The self-titled EP from Robeat Boys, with funky beats, a light and fun atmosphere, and really good tunes for a Sunday trip, is perfect. The band balances on the line of class and cheesiness with grace and imagination. Check out the effect on the dancefloor, too!
“Robeat Boys debut EP contains catchy, melodic electro funk and pumping beats that have references to Daft Punk, Air and Röyksopp. Robeat Boys greets you with this EP in their narrative universe between the present, the near-future and the post-apocalyptic future.”
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Micala – “My Truth”
This 19-years-old Danish-American artist caught our attention with the insanely good single “My Truth”. She has an amazing voice and clearly – a gift of creating atmosphere in her compositions. The heavy R’n’B sound gives an additional depth effect to the track. This isn’t just another silly young star with nothing real to share, we tell you! Just listen to “My Truth” and you’ll get it right away. This girl has something to say.
“My Truth is a song about someone that means the world to me. That someone you let into your heart and then realize that this person is so special you almost can’t breathe without them, it’s a very personal story about the vulnerability we all feel and the strength it takes to let yourself fall in love and let go it’s a very powerful song about loving someone as much as your heart allows you to”
apperaat – “Crater”
This Danish-Dutch duo waited a fair share of time for a mention on Good because Danish. It’s not because we didn’t like it. It’s because we didn’t know how to write about it. To be honest, we still don’t know. But the new single (along with the video to it) “Crater” made us give it a try with the old saying “let the music defend itself”. So we let it do that – and create a web of thoughts and emotions also in your souls.
“apperaat is an apparatus. A piece of electronic machinery and an artistic creature from the digital world.”
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*Feel still free though to send us your music via if you want us to listen to it :)