These ladies know how to move you. How to get to you. How to amaze. Darkness Falls‘ new album “Dance And Cry” will leave you speechless.
They say their music is “pop noir” and there’s definitely something to it. The dark, almost disturbing vibe is in the songs from the very first sounds of “Night Games” to the very last ones of “Thunder Roads”.
Darkness Falls‘ new record captured me already with the first song “Night Games”. It shows the spirit and atmosphere of the entire record perfectly. Dark, misty sounds, the amazing, intoxicating vocals, something that attracts, disturbs, saddens and intrigues all at once. The whole “Dance And Cry” album is like that. The three singles “Hazy”, “The Answer” and the title-giving one “Dance And Cry” are enriched with eight other songs, all catching attention, each on its own way.
I’ve listened to the “Dance And Cry” record countless times since its premiere and the few lines above are all I can come up with, when it comes to writing about it. It’s just that kind of an album that you sink into and can’t really describe why. In my eyes that counts as a great advantage. The music speaks for itself and leaves the listener speechless, yet enriched with a unique experience.
Give the new Darkness Falls album “Dance And Cry” a listen on Spotify and buy the digital version on iTunes.