Some time ago, when writing about the Bunker Session with Ida Wenøe, I used the words “when you add an intimate surrounding to a wonderful song, you can sometimes come up with a true little miracle”. A new production of these Bunker Sessions – Chamber Junkie‘s acoustic performance of “I Just” – proves the truth of that sentence.
Although this time it’s more about the atmosphere of the place, not about a place per se. Jimmy Andersen alias Chamber Junkie sitting lonely in a dark room, lightened just with a few rays of a dimming light… singing “I wanna die by your side”… it just touches your soul somewhere deep inside. Somewhere so deep, that you never thought that anything can reach you there. Yet, this version of “I Just” does it.
If you know The Beatles’ song “When My Guitar Gently Weeps”, you can tell that Chamber Junkie’s guitar really does sound as if it was crying.
Let this Bunker Session melt your heart. You can watch the performance on YouTube.