“Sleep is for the wicked” – under this motto me and a bunch of like-minded admirers of Danish potpourri Mont Oliver came together last Saturday to enjoy their midnight concert at Pitstop in Kolding.
Even though you cannot find much material of them on YouTube yet, I (and I guess a few other people in the limited crowd as well) had huge expectations of their skills in live concerts. Actually no big surprise, because front singer Jakob and his two companions Niels and Mads combine different styles of music and genres in their performance.
And so they did last weekend, when they presented a colourful mixture of electronic beats, hip hop-influenced samples and an angelic shimmering voice, which can definitely compete with other volume-high singers like Kanye West or any other of their musical role models.
The powerfully expressive stage presence of Mont Oliver allowed them a permanent attention by the audience, even when they interrupted their catchy tracks “All Yours”, “Give Me Nothing” or “19” by fiddling with their synthesizers like enthusiastic little boys with a deep passion for their own music. Unfortunately the venue was less filled with people due to Halloween’s celebrations the night before and a general of hangover. Such a pity, but nevertheless no reason for playing down a wonderful concert and the desire for imminent repetition!
Mont Oliver is one of these bands, which successfully manage to extend their own musical portfolio with such different aspects – whether it is their Westcoast style, their diverse music or their constant avoidance of mindless melodies. This kind of unpredictability will surely help them to continue their way of success. In contrast to the relatively young history of Mont Oliver they already gained a foothold in Danish music industry by attending this year’s Roskilde Festival and playing several shows at Copenhagen’s VEGA and Aarhus’ RADAR.
You can watch their available videos on YouTube and check them out on Facebook at the same time!