This duo, consisting of Tikki Hasselriis and Aslak Svane, charmed us with their debut single “Magi Mileva” from the very first millisecond! Now Mileva released a video clip to the magical composition. Stella Gelardi Malfilâtre and Aimée Neat have done a great job with it, creating an atmospheric, intriguing clip.
After hearing the song for the very first time, we wrote: “Listening to “Magi Mileva” feels like going into a deep, totally wild forest. You don’t know the way, there’s no signs or guidelines to follow. You have to trust your own instincts and the sound of the wildness. It’s a bit disturbing, but most of all, an extremely calming experience.”– all of these emotions can be found in the video clip, which also exudes femininity in a beautiful way.
Watch the video clip and if you are in Copenhagen on the 30. September 2014 – make sure to catch Mileva’s debut concert at the Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium.