There are times in our lives when we want to cut any connection to the outside world. Sometimes you need to just dive deep into yourself to find the balance and the right way to go. In moments like these, I look for a music which reflect the state of my mind. I have found a perfect tune for it thanks to Nordic by Nature’s discovery – a new Danish project called Mileva.
The duo consisting of Tikki Hasselriis (she used to be guitar player in Rangleklods’ live band) and Aslak Svane released their first song called “Magi Mileva”. The lyrics are a mix of Latin, Danish and English and the music is mind-blowing. Out of this world. Magical.
Listening to “Magi Mileva” feels like going into a deep, totally wild forest. You don’t know the way, there’s no signs or guidelines to follow. You have to trust your own instincts and the sound of the wildness. It’s a bit disturbing, but most of all, an extremely calming experience. You will get out of the musical woods of Mileva soothed and healed from inner wounds. Now you can face the outside world again… If not, press the “play” button again. Eventually you will feel it.
“Magi Mileva” is available to stream on Mileva’s SoundCloud, from where you can also download the song for free.