Messy Shelters. The name reached our ears quite a long time ago, shared by a Danish friend who was charmed by the single “Fella”.
We have been circling around the music, getting ourselves to listen to it and when it finally happened, we were circling around the post about the artist. Why? Because the music isn’t so obvious likable. It creates troubles with a description, with labeling it. And that’s the whole brilliance!
“Fella”, with its tempo and a very strong percussion frame, is great for a moment of relaxation. You can feel the stress leaving your muscles while listening to the track.
The song comes from Messy Shelters’ album “Root System” from… 2011 (yes, we know, it really took us A LONG time to finally mention it on the blog… sorry!). This is so far the only release from Mikkel Bolding’s one-man project. He’s been working on new stuff, hopefully we will be able to listen to the effects soon.
You can stream “Root System” on Messy Shelters’ Bandcamp or on Spotify.