On 2. April 2014, one day before I was able to experience their great release concert in Aarhus, Dad Rocks! released the project’s second album – “Year of the Flesh”.
Admittedly, I went into this album never having heard a previous Dad Rocks! record. However, this offered a fresh-eared opportunity to absorb their second long player.
On first listen, the album sounds like the band is throwing musical styles at a blank canvas to see what sticks. Over repeated listens however, the record reveals a finely curated affair.
Third track “Daughter Track” spins its coda out on a tangent, with pulsing instrumental that Arcade Fire would be proud of, before dissolving into distorted, dissonant bliss. “Cyber Bullies” skilfully blends the acoustic with the electronic, sending the chorus into an epic half-time spectacle, featuring cascading violins and immense Kanye West-esque snares.
Evidently, the band are keen on experimenting with unconventional song structures, and do so successfully. At the centre of all this organised chaos, is Snævar Njáll Albertsson’s lead vocals, largely double tracked, with a harmony hanging a third above. His vocal style is often of the many-words-in-one-line variety, though it works. On single “Peers” lyrics such as “You found it on a torrent file sharing site, downloaded by you, stored it on a computer hard drive” typify Dad Rocks’ tongue-in-cheek, self aware lyrical style.
Before this method becomes tired, the band dive into the fresh “Managed“. Here the harmonies branch out, mixing in heavenly chorals and a sparse piano backing, weaved between a tragic post traumatic narrative.
All up, the album is a fully realised offering. Delivering on catchy melodies and thoughtful, relevant subject matter. Yet, it is when Dad Rocks! embraces the zany and epic that they truly soar as a collective.
Stream and buy “Year of the Flesh” on the band’s Bandcamp page.