Some of “the best from the best”
TOP 3 new acts:
Kadie Elder
Definitely the biggest WOW of new upcoming acts at this year’s SPOT Festival. Their show at Cafe-Scenen was a dose of increadiblly well-balanced pop and electronic. Fragile sounds crooked here and there and the atmosphere of passion and devotion that was coming out from stage was really magic. Kadie Elder – I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you guys, ’cause you should go far! I think maybe starting from supporting Asbjorn – that would fit perfectly!
Complicated Universal Cum
It was my last concert of official SPOT Festival line-up. Saturday night, 00:30, Voxhall – packed venue and… stage packed with 9 (or 10?) musicians, that blew me away with the wall of sounds. Psychodelic garage rock sounds with a lot of joy in them were a perfect ending of a very energetic 3 days in Aarhus. I can’t really explain why I liked Complicated Universal Cum show so much, but I really did! As the rest of the audience that was going crazy, dancing and jumping to the songs. It was loud, noisy, crazy and fun concert! What more could I ask for?

Baby In Vain
These three girls simply know how to rock. Rock hard and classy! Brilliant music, brilliant show, a dose of music that put me on my knees in front of them. If you’re looking for 100% perfect heavy rock experience – don’t miss Baby In Vain! I’m out of words, keep on rockin’ girls!

TOP 3 “old but new” and good acts:
Their intimate show at Store Sal of Musikhuset was… was… was… I still lack of words. Magic and something kind of extraterrestrial happened during that performance. They started from “I Forgot”, my eyes filled with tears of melting mood and than… than I woke up from the dream at the end when all the audience was giving Turboweekend a standing ovation. This band is special for me and it was a very special concert.

Lulu Rouge + guests
Lulu Rouge show at this year’s SPOT Festival was something I was most looking forward to. It was totally worth the wait! The dj duo appeard on stage and played some of the material from their newest album “The Song Is In The Drum”, but also some older stuff. Fanney from Kura, Asbjorn and – Mikael Simpson himself sang their songs with Lulu Rouge. The show had it all – great music delivered in a very atmospheric way, great artists and brilliant vibe! Especially at the end when all the 3 singers danced and had fun on stage along with the audience. You know that feeling when you totally loose control over your body and go with the flow of music? I got to know it during Lulu Rouge show.
When Saints Go Machine
Their new album “Infinity Pool” is coming soon. After listening to a few new songs live – I can’t wait for it even more. When Saints Go Machine are always great on stage, this time was no different. Magnetic performance, with a bit disturbing (but in a good way) new compositions and some of the old well-known songs, like dynamic live version of “Kelly” filled the ears in a very pleasant and very unique way. Good (because Danish) show!
TOP 3 best show acts:
Go Go Berlin
Their vocalist was a mix of Mick Jagger and John Bon Jovi. Their music was a mix of Bon Jovi and… well, a bit of The Rolling Stones as well. Great fun to jump to their songs, which were pretty simple, pretty catchy and pretty classic rock – and all of that was a good combination to have some fun!
I think that everybody was talking about this concert before SPOT Festival. One of the hottest new stars of Danish music scene – MØ – gathared a huge crowd and that huge crowd had a really good time during her show. I had a nice time as well, BUT… (yes there’s a “but”) I had some doubts after the performance. Why? Because there was a big show for sure, but with a lot of backing vocals, too much for my taste. It was cool, but maybe not natural in total… Anyway, all in all, the concert experience was good. Maybe it would be interesting to see MØ in a smaller venue.
Halsan Bazar
International folk(ish) band played Lille Sal on Saturday. I was tired, my eyes were red after crying at Turboweekend intimate show (yes, I admit again, I cried) and than this lovely band was a perfect way to pull myself together and smile. Light sounds, cosy atmosphere and funny smal talks in between the songs – Halsan Bazar brought a bit of a sunny day on a country side to Musikhuset in Aarhus.

Nice to remember:
Dangers Of The Sea
Listening to “Sheer Desperation” live and listening to all the other songs of Dangers Of The Sea in Voxhall was a really nice experience. During SPOT Festival there’s SO MANY concerts that I guess sometimes you need to just relax, take a deep breath and slow down in running from one show to another. Dangers Of The Sea concert was perfect to do it.

Broken Twin
The most fragile Danish vocalist I heard during this year’s SPOT Festival made the Lille Sal totally quiet during her lovely, a bit melancholic concert. That was the most amazing thing, since it’s very rare to be on a show where people don’t talk, not even in between songs. The music was creating silence – very unique experience.
So-So Echo
Lydmor and two members of Alcoholic Faith Mission played a show at Radar after When Saints Go Machine show on the big stage of SCC. It was a nice show; interesting to see musicians connected to totally different music stylization – this time playing more of a dream pop sounds, with some inspiration from the music of the 80’s, a bit “weird” (although that’s not the best word) combination of music and vocals… I think I want to see and listen to more of this band after their SPOT Festival performance.