They title their songs in French, sing in English, but they are from Denmark. It’s just how they decided to do things with their music. It went… listen by yourself how did it go. If you like First Aid Kit (SE) or a delicate playing served by Danes from Kirsten & Marie – listen to TM Hunter.
TM Hunter is a duo: Michael and Therese Fischerson. Today (24th of September 2012) their EP “La Porte” is released. “Mon Chat Est Mort” is a song that comes from it (free download from Father Figure Records SoundCloud).
Parisian chic in lyrics and vocals + Danish cold of classical instruments. We’re floating away, draming… but from the other side the shadow of an indescribable, inapprehensible melancholia pircing us through.
Than a light guitar sounds dispel that shadow and remind us that Spring exists somewhere out there and that it will come back soon.