Well, the word “review” isn’t the best one here, but what to do? We have to label this post somehow. But the text is not anything like “the ode to Turboweekend“, because “Fault Lines” is not an album that you can scream and squeal about. It’s more a record that you should appreciate. In their recent single “On My Side” Danes from Turboweekend ask: “are you on my side?” – after listening to their new material I can answer: I surely am!
An album number 3 – “Fault Lines”. It’s not the rebel, yet playful Turboweekend from the first record “Night Shift”, or a bit misterious and seriously magnetic Turboweekend from “Ghost Of A Chance”. Eleven new songs give the listener a picture of a band that grown up and recorded (I’m guessing) a very carefully thought record. “Fault Lines” makes sense in every detail. You can find something lighter on it like the single “On My Side” or the song “Douglas”,the specific mistery and heavy atmosphere couldn’t be missed (“Good Morning, It’s Tomorrow”), as well as an energetic accents like“Neverending” and “Drying Out”. At the end there’s a touching last note of “I Forgot”. According to the “Fault Lines” tracklist you can check the points of the “what a good album should have” list.
All that I wrote so far sounds very stiff and uptight, right? Yep. But it sounds like that, fortunately!, only on the paper (or more: on the screen)! Turboweekend combined fulfilling the “conditions” (so relevant!) of recording a good album with the energy and simply – with a very good music. In addition it is a music that will stay with you for a long time. “Fault Lines” is not an album that will just “fly” through your ears once and won’t leave any memory or any thought. On the contrary! The songs keep on coming back in your head and they can force your brain to work!
TURBOWEEKEND – “FAULT LINES” (buy through iTunes):
FAULT LINES (DK): http://itunes.apple.com/dk/album/fault-lines/id532407993
FAULT LINES (SE, NO, F): http://itunes.apple.com/album/fault-lines/id532812701
FAULT LINES (Rest Of World –> POLAND as well :) ): http://itunes.apple.com/album/fault-lines/id532895978
I guess Turboweekend decided to record an “epic” and “big” album, that will set the bar even higher than they did with the last record “Ghost Of A Chance”. And I guess they managed to do it. Songs from “Fault Lines” sound monumental, sometimes even a lot (because of the string parts played by Davide Rossi). However, none of them irritates with it’s bombast. Turboweekend managed to keep in in check.
Again, each one of the four Danes gave what he had best to the record. Starting from sometimes really “piercing through” vocals, going through brilliant (as always) drum solos, not brazen, more adding the special “taste” to the songs, moving to the twisted electronic-piano inserts, all the way to a little bit hidden behind the wall of sounds, but still present – the bass – “Fault Lines” sounds like something that Turboweekend made together, as a whole.
Third Turboweekend‘s album is not a record that announces with a huge fanfare that it is great. The fascination of individual songs sneaks in quietly through the back doors. Suddenly you can catch yourself on the fact that “Rubicon” or “I Forgot” play another and another time and you keep on repeating them. As well as “You’re the Cure”, “Boulevard”… and so on. The mosaic, intricately sort out by Turboweekend on “Fault Lines” dovetails, makes sense and creates the entirety that satisfies. At least it satisfies the one that is writing these words to you.
Turboweekend – “Fault Lines”
01 – Fire of the Stampede
02 – Neverending
03 – Reflections on Chrome
04 – On My Side
05 – Boulevard
06 – Good Morning, It’s Tomorrow
07 – You’re the Cure
08 – Rubicon
09 – Drying Out in the Sun
10 – Douglas
11 – I Forgot