The only trouble with the new Nelson Can single is that you can’t stop listen to it. Three charismatic Danes, after releasing energetic “Apple Pie” and showing their love to drums “People’s Republic of China”, went on the dark side of the force. With a great result.
“Troublemaker” isn’t polite or neat. No, no, no… Pugnacious, a bit gangsta-sound-like bass gives you the chills. “Believe me I don’t know what I’m saying at all” – that lyrics announses a incalculability of the song. And the bass… I know I repeat myself, but… THIS BASS. The bass that can’t get out of my head…
“Troublemaker” is a song from the box labeled “dangerous”. It gets you increadibly fast and as it is with naughty stuff – it’s… damn sexy. And when it ends, a man feels like smoking a cigarette…
Don’t miss a great remix of “Troubemaker” by Brynjar from Kura (to buy on iTunes)