“Your Laundry is the sound of dirty underwear and sunny days – Unpretentious as your laundry! Turn up the volume, jump to the rhythm and forget all about fancy moustaches and today’s duties. … Now it’s time to do YOUR LAUNDRY!”
– three Danes inspired by… washing machine? And rock. And any other sound which makes our legs (those that are tired and those that aren’t) to move from the place they are standing.
Your Laundry bet on energy. “Broken”, their first single is a song that simply don’t want to get bored. Guitar riffes don’t cavort, just do their job. Bass is “moving” smoothly in the background, where it’s place. The vocal struggling with the sounds (in a good way). Everything mixes and spinning, like inside the washing machine. Washing machine which is the “main character” in the video clip to “Broken”.
With strenght. With power. No exaggeration. With their song “Broken” Your Laundry answers the question “whether the rock music was over?” with big – NO!
What’s next from Your Laundry? We’ll see…